Yacht Life with CR7: A Tour of Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5M Floating Palace with Five Lavish Cabins and Six Bathrooms

LIFE on the ocean waves looks perfect for Cristiano Ronaldo.

Inside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world

The Portugal legend is currently lounging on his amazing £5.5million yacht in Sardinia.

22Georgina Rodriguez shared snaps on Instagram on board their luxury yacht22The Ronaldo family are enjoying a break in Porto Cervo, Sardinia22Man Utd legend Ronaldo is the proud owner of the Azimut Grande.22The suρer-yacht cost around £5.5million

The former Man Utd striker is enjoying a much-needed break in Porto Cervo, Sardinia with his family, including Georgina Rodriguez and their brood.

The famous Wag took to Instagram show off their holiday, with Ronaldo spotted diving into the ocean and the group posing for a family snap.

Of course, they are doing it in style on board the lavish 88-feet long Azimut Grande, which they splashed the cash on in 2020.

Built in Azimut-Benett’s shipyards in Versilia, Italy, it boasts five luxury cabins and six stunningly decorated bathrooms.There’s also a modern kitchen onboard, as well as two relaxation areas, a huge lounge, and a lavish dining room.

In terms of its specifications, it’s capable of reaching 28 knots, thanks to two 1,900 horsepower engines, and is made of carbon fibre,weighing a whopping 93 tonnes.

22It has five luxury cabins22There are six modern bathrooms22The lavish dining room is perfect for a romantic dinner, or one with all the kids22The modern kitchen features all you would hope for, including a tea pоt22There’s a bar on deckInside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world22Two lounge areas are perfect for topping up your tanInside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world22The vessel is capable of reaching a top speed of 28 knotsInside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world22No expense was spared in the creation of Ronaldo’s new yacht22The Azimut Grande stands out at 88-feet longInside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world22It is powered by two 1,900 horsepower engines


Inside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world

Ronaldo bought the suρer-yacht in 2020 for £5.5million, which is just a drop in the ocean for the star who now earns a reported £173m a year playing for Saudi side Al-Nassr.

Previously, he used to rent the Africa I yacht from a charter company before buying his own.

That year, he was able to take his family including missus Georgina out on the Azimut Grande as they sailed along Italy’s Tyrrhenian coast for its debut voyage.

Inside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world


Georgina showed off the vessel by sharing a sеxy bikini snap on Instagram perched on deck.

22Georgina Rodriguez has shown off the yacht on her Instagram22Georgina hangs off the yacht for a dip in the MedInside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world22Ronaldo is served his lunch by RodriguezInside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world22The Ronaldo family enjoy one of the many cabins22Ronaldo is enjoying a break after another incredible seasonInside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world22Ronaldo and Georgina share a romantic moment on board their yacht22The Azimut Grande was spotted sailing along the Tyrrhenian coast in 2020Inside Cristiano Ronaldo’s £5.5m yacht that boasts five luxury cabins and six bathrooms, The most expensive Yacht in football players world22Rodriguez has certainly taken to the purchaseShe posted various photos of the family, relaxing in one of the bedrooms, and serving Cristiano lunch.

It gave us a window into their incredible lifestyle, that is one to envy.

Ronaldo is taking time off from Al-Nassr, who signed him in January.

Unfortunately, his club missed out on winning the league title to Al-Ittihad in the penultimate round.

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