The unfortunate circus bear was finally rescued from a small rusty cage after 30 years

After languishing for over 30 years in a small, dirty cage at a circus in northern Mexico, a miserable brown bear named Cholita has finally been rescued and transported to a new life at an animal sanctuary.

Cholita was captured from the wild as a cub and forced to perform demeaning circus tricks like dancing, clapping, and riding a bicycle. She lived in a rusty, cramped cage barely big enough for her to turn around in. Photos from her time at the circus show a very depressed looking bear with patchy fur staring blankly at the crowds.

For decades, animal rights activists fought to free Cholita from the subpar conditions and unrelenting confinement. After pressure mounted, the Mexican government finally seized the neglected bear from the traveling circus in early 2022.

Cholita was brought to a nature reserve in northern Mexico run by the animal protection nonprofit Zoológico Refugio del Burrito. For the first time in 30 years, Cholita could feel grass under her feet and breathe fresh outdoor air.

Veterinarians found Cholita to be severely overweight from lack of exercise. She also suffered from arthritis and other health issues after her prolonged containment. With proper nutrition and plenty of space to roam, Cholita has since lost weight and her coat regrown thick and shiny.

The rescued bear spends her days lounging in grassy fields, playing with toys, and foraging for snacks. Cholita looks truly content and relaxed in her new, comfortable forever home after enduring decades of mistreatment.

Cholita’s rescue shows that it’s never too late to provide abused captive animals the dignity they deserve. Though the years can’t be taken back, her new life brings hope that freedom and justice can prevail.


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