But this small horse simply wandered into the spotlight—it didn’t seek it out! A YouTube video has recently gone viral showing the hilarious moment. The beginning of the clip shows a group of Clydesdale horses galloping across a muddy field while being watched from above by the audience. The gentle giant horses tried their best to show their great professionalism.

Surprisingly, a cute newborn Clydesdale appeared on the field as the show was about to reach its end. The small horse was a little perplexed to have a cheering crowd surrounding him, but his subsequent acts made it clear why this stranger had come over.
The foal merely wanted to join Mom and her companions, which it turned out was one of the team’s horses who was also his mother. You could say that he wasn’t looking for attention or trying to impress anyone. But as you can see, he definitely stole the show and won everyone over.
On the other side, the mother mare had no time for the foal. She kept performing till she was finished. The foal was shown running around the arena and gaining more attention as the movie came to the end. Have a look at the following hilarious video for more, let us know your thoughts on the video, and do not forget to spread out the video on social media with your friends and family in order to make their day beautiful as well.