Discovering The World’s Largest Aquatic Insect – China’s Dobsonfly


The world’s largest flying aquatic insect, with huge, nightmarish pincers, has been discovered in China’s Sichuan province, experts say.

Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal

According to the Insect Museum of West China, local villagers in the outskirts of Chengdu handed over “weird insects that resemble giant dragonflies with long teeth” earlier this month.

Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal

Several of these odd critters were examined by the museum and found to be unusually large specimens of the giant dobsonfly, which is native to China and Vietnam.

Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal

The largest one measured 21 centimeters (8.27 inches) when its wings were open, according to the museum, busting the original record for largest aquatic insect held by a South American helicopter damselfly, which had a wingspan of 19.1 centimeters (7.5 inches).

Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal

Large enough to cover the face of a human adult, this scary-looking insect is also known among entomologists as an indicator of water quality, says the museum.

Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal

The giant dobsonfly makes its home in bodies of clean water and is highly sensitive to any changes in the water’s pH as well as the presence of trace elements of pollutants.

Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal

If the water is slightly contaminated, the giant dobsonfly will move on to seek cleaner waters.

Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal

The insect can be found in other provinces in China, India’s Assam state, and in northern Vietnam.

Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal

This is the first time it has appeared in Sichuan province.

Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal


Discovery in China: Encounter the Enormous Dobsonfly, the World's Largest Aquatic Insect Specimen. l - LifeAnimal



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