The stunning buckskin Stallion horse took home the coveted Grand Champion Stallion title (VIDEO)

One thing we can all agree on is that horses are the most popular animal for рᴜllіпɡ wagons and other heavy loads. The reality shows that, no matter how many

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The abandoned horse’s kind deed of trying to stop his benefactor from killing himself (VIDEO)

This woman named Lea was about to take her own life, fortunately, but a very special horse showed her how much was she worth. “I thought things would

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A unique occasion: Mare in Patchen Wilkes greets a very uncommon white thoroughbred pony (VIDEO)

In the horse world, the birth of a thoroughbred is a very rare thing and that is why the birth of a white foal is always a ᴜпіqᴜe event. I’m pretty sure most

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Horse Reacts Funny Enough To Make The Internet Laugh, But the Owner Pranks His Horse

The bond between a horse and its owner is a special one, characterized by trust, companionship, and mutual respect. However, as a viral video that has been making the rounds on the internet shows, this bond can be tested in unexpected ways. In the video, the owner of a horse decides to play a prank

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Rescuers Change a Pony With Long Hooves That Could Hardly Walk

The emotional and powerful story of a pony with severely overgrown hooves has captured hearts after being reported by The Dodo. It’s a harrowing reminder of the serious consequences that can befall animals when their basic needs are ignored. But it’s also a story of hope, rehabilitation, and the pow

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Rejected Horses Receive The Care They Are Due

In the horse world, there are a lot of lucky horses who have their families or different organizations who take care of them and provide them all the necessary living conditions, but on the other hand, there is an ugly reality. There are also who get rejected or mistreated, all phenomenons happening

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Funny Horse Acts Like A Small Child And Becomes A Global Hit

Horses have always captivated our imagination. Their grandeur, strength, and gentle demeanor have made them symbols of freedom and grace. Yet, beyond these noble attributes lies a facet of their personality that’s just as endearing – their playful nature. Horses are not just majestic creatures meant

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Clydesdale Horses Break During Performance, But Then They Make An Amazing Return

In the world, the Budweiser Clydesdales are possibly the most well-known herd of horses. They are well known for their power, grace, and enormous size. They all have a bay coat, four white stockings, a blaze of white on their faces, a black mane, and a black tail. Each Clydesdale on the team is at l

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TV Reporter Tries to Ride a Horse But Is Rejected

Horses tend to be a little nervous when someone who they have never seen before approaches them. That’s why if you are planning on riding a new horse it is best if you stay near and get familiar with them first. That’s what happened to a TV Reporter, Stu Mills who had the “brilliant” idea to ride a

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A kind mother horse tends to her orphaned foal

Nature, in all its splendor and cruelty, often presents scenarios that tug at our heartstrings. A prime example is when a young foal loses its mother. Under usual circumstances, a foal spends the initial six months of its life under the nurturing care of its mare. Thus, any foal deprived of its moth

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