Twin foals are delivered by pregnant horses. Watch to see what happens next

In a rare and awe-inspiring event, students at the College of Veterin ary Medicine at Oregon State University were fortunate enough to witness the birth of twin foals in May…

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When he opens his birthday present, little boy can’t contain his excitement

Horses are endearing creatures, particularly when it comes to owning a pint-sized equine on your estate. Take, for instance, Teddy Bear, the moniker bestowed upon a miniature horse residing on Carson’s farm. Recently reaching the age of six months, Teddy Bear’s journey has been nothing short of captivating.

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In order to get on horseback, cross the threshold

In a display of feline curiosity and adventurous spirit, a charming cat sets its sights on a daring feat – climbing over the fence to reach the back of a majestic horse. This endearing interaction captures our attention as the cat’s determination and playful nature come to the forefront.

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Even though they are different in size, horses and dogs may communicate and imitate one another when they play

Play is a universal behavior observed in all animals. It serves as a means of having fun, but it also plays a vital role in communication and strengthening bonds among them.

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Horse has an obsession with the famous black had of the man

Mert, a dedicated animal rescue volunteer, manages a sanctuary located in Istanbul, Turkey. His sanctuary provides a haven for a multitude of animals in need, including dogs, certain avian species such as ducks, and even a horse. Mert’s compassionate nature compels him to welcome any animal that has been abandoned or finds itself in perilous circumstances.

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After 17 years apart, the mother horse reunites with her daughter

After an astounding 17-year separation, a heartwarming reunion unfolded between a mother horse and her long-lost daughter. Jesse Drent, a skilled and devoted horse trainer, was the proud owner of these magnificent equines, harboring deep affection for each of them. Accompanying Jesse in his equestrian endeavors was his friend, Matt, who shared the same fervor for these majestic creatures.

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The Heartwarming Bond Between a Cat and Horse That Will Melt Your Heart

Just like us, animals are able to coexist peacefully, even become best friends. To prove it, Jennifer Boyle recently shared a story of the friendship between her two pets, a horse named Champy and a cat named Morris. Despite species and size differences, the two animals love each other and share a great friendship. Champy and Morris have been best friends for over seven years now. They are quite possibly the world’s most unlikely best friends.

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horse with a performance that captivated the audience

Teaching your domesticated canine or feline companion to heed your commands and follow instructions may not be as challenging as one might imagine. However, when it comes to instructing and guiding equine animals, the task can prove to be more demanding than anticipated.

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Courageous Horse Saves Little Dog from Drowning

One hot summer day, a little dog named Max got caught up in the river water and was punching himself to debauchery. Max tried to struggle and bark, but no one heard or…

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Owner’s Unwavering Care for a Two-Legged Horse Since Its Early Days

Horses are still aп іпсгedіЬɩe aпimal to marvel at. They are majestic creatυres that have played a ⱱіtаɩ гoɩe iп hυmaп history. Horses have beeп υsed for traпsportatioп, agricυltυre, aпd warfare for thoυsaпds of years. Eveп today, they are υsed for recreatioп, sports, aпd therapy. Horses are also fasciпatiпg iп their aпatomy aпd behavior. They …

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