Even though they are different in size, horses and dogs may communicate and imitate one another when they play

Play is a universal behavior observed in all animals. It serves as a means of having fun, but it also plays a vital role in communication and strengthening bonds among them.

When a dog approaches another dog with bowed front legs and a wagging tail, it is a clear signal for play. Surprisingly, recent research indicates that similar play behaviors can be observed when horses and dogs interact.

Despite their size difference, horses and dogs understand and mimic each other when they play. – MMSPlay

According to a study published in the journal Behavioural Processes, researchers from Italy highlighted the importance of studying social play between dogs and horses, as previous studies primarily focused on dog-human play due to its implications in understanding our unique relationship with pets.

To investigate interspecies communication, Elisabetta Palagi and her colleagues from the University of Pisa analyzed 20 YouTube videos featuring dogs and horses engaged in play for at least 30 seconds. Their analysis aimed to identify specific patterns of play.

The findings revealed that both dogs and horses exhibited relaxed, open mouths during play, a common playful facial expression among mammals. They also observed instances of mimicry, such as pretending to bite, playing with objects, and rolling on their backs on the ground.

Interestingly, the researchers noted that dogs and horses mimicked each other’s facial expressions, a behavior known as rapid facial mimicry. While this phenomenon has been observed in dogs, primates, meerkats, and sun bears, this is the first documented evidence of such mimicry occurring between animals of different species.

Overall, these results suggest that despite their size difference, phylogenetic distance, and variations in behavior, dogs and horses possess the ability to adjust their actions, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and potential aggression during play.

The significance of communication becomes evident when considering that a 2,000-pound horse can engage in play with a relatively small dog. Through effective communication, these animals are able to negotiate and establish a comfortable play dynamic.

Barbara Smuts, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Michigan, emphasizes the importance of this study, highlighting how animals with distinct appearances and behaviors can still manage to engage in play that accommodates both parties.

Future research aims to explore the role of developmental pathways and familiarity in shaping interspecies communication. This investigation will contribute to uncovering the foundations of a potential universal language of play.

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