LeBron’s Outfit Game Face-Melting Fierce vs Suns

Overwhelmed with LBJ pre Suns game outfit

Overwhelmed with LBJ pre Suns game outfit
Overwhelmed with LBJ pre Suns game outfit
Overwhelmed with LBJ pre Suns game outfit
Overwhelmed with LBJ pre Suns game outfit
Overwhelmed with LBJ pre Suns game outfit

LeBron James smacks Suns player below belt in Lakers win, was it intentional?

After defeating the Phoenix Suns 106-103, the Los Angeles Lakers have guaranteed their spot in the NBA In-Season Tournament final four. LeBron James put up a ridiculous stat line of 31 points, 11 assists, and 8 rebounds, but the play that took place in the second quarter has people talking.

LeBron James was attempting to get a rebound from Suns player Jusuf Nurkic when he swatted the 7-foot center in the groin with one hand while using the other to grab the ball. As soon as he had the ball in his hands, the large Bosnian man collapsed to the ground, clearly losing his breath. Was LeBron really going to strike someone in the groin?

As the game went on and the foul went uncalled, Suns supporters also criticized the officials’ work. LeBron’s elbow struck Nurkic’s face in a subsequent play, which might have changed the game’s outcome. Phoenix was even more frustrated early in the game when the Bosnian center found himself in foul trouble.

Suns supporters, who felt that their team had lost the opportunity to advance in the playoffs and create NBA history, also took issue with a contentious time-out called when it appeared that the Lakers were not in clear control of the ball.

The Lakers will ultimately go to Las Vegas and take against the New Orleans Pelicans on Thursday at 9:00 p.m. ET.

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