Mbappe’s Uninterrupted Summer: Amid Transfer Talks, he Unwinds with a Playful Game of ‘Draw In’ with Two Women

Paris Saint-Germain star forward, Kylian Mbappe, has been spotted on vacation in Miami amid his uncertain club football situation.

The 24-year-old was seen basking in the Florida sun, as he tried his hand at a game of beach Jenga.

After a gruelling but hugely successful season, where he netted 41 goals in 43 games for PSG in addition to 13 goals for France, Mbappe took a deserved break from footballing activities and the talk regarding his future.

Mbappe tried his hand at the block-stacking game and was at one point joined by two women, one in a black one-piece swimsuit and the other wearing yellow.

rr Despite being caught up in the transfer story, Mbappe continues to relish his summer vacation, finding enjoyment in a game of "draw in" with two women. - LifeAnimal

Pep Guardiola admits Mbappe does not want to join Man City

According to reports from Marca, PSG are ready to start a summer auction for their superstar who will not extend his current deal beyond next summer.

rr Despite being caught up in the transfer story, Mbappe continues to relish his summer vacation, finding enjoyment in a game of "draw in" with two women. - LifeAnimal

Mbappe is believed to be set on a move to Real Madrid but the club’s lack of action has left the door open for other clubs to pounce. However, any suitor will have to stump up £250 million plus add-ons to earn his signature.

rr Despite being caught up in the transfer story, Mbappe continues to relish his summer vacation, finding enjoyment in a game of "draw in" with two women. - LifeAnimal

It is worth noting that Miami is also where Mbappe’s former PSG teammate, Lionel Messi, is set to debut in the American MLS later this month.

rr Despite being caught up in the transfer story, Mbappe continues to relish his summer vacation, finding enjoyment in a game of "draw in" with two women. - LifeAnimal

PSG’s stance on Mbappe

Meanwhile, PSG appear determined not to let Mbappe run down his contract, which has now entered its final 12 months. The club is now in a race against time to stop him leaving for free.

Despite three years of flirting with the French forward, Real Madrid have not made a substantial move to sign him, escalating the ‘private conflict’ between respective presidents, Nasser Al-Khelaifi and Florentino Perez, per Marca.

All the while, Manchester United, Liverpool, and even Arsenal are said to be among the Premier League sides linked with an audacious move for Mbappe over the summer.

Hakimi’s friend on Mbappe’s future

In related news,  Sports Brief  reported on a trusted confidant of PSG’s Achraf Hakimi boldly declaring that Mbappe will join Real Madrid.

Speculations have been rife about the Frenchman’s potential transfer to Los Blancos, considering his PSG contract expires within a year.

Hakimi’s friend, Morad, who is also a rapper, appears to have lifted the lid on the recent reports linking the French star to the Spanish side.

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