Mentions her support was during his HIV battle, avoiding the exaggerated “disease of the century”

The news that NBA player Magic Johnson had diseаse оf the century and had come out with the information in 1991 sent shockwaves around the world; yet, the celebrity’s wife has been and continues to be a rock-solid support system for him.

God Really Blessed Me,' Magic Johnson said, crediting his wife Cookie for her unwavering support during the disease of the century process

“To have Cookie’s support, it made it easier for me to tell the world,” the retired NBA icon, who is 64 years old, said in an interview with Variety on the eve of the pair’s latest humanitarian achievement, which is to receive the Elizabeth Taylor Commitment to End diseаse оf the century Award on Thursday night. The award will be presented to the couple.

He continued by saying, “Knowing that Cookie and I had our strong relationship as well as our faith as well.” Due to the fact that Cookie and I pray. Cookie is a prayer warrior, and I believe it also contributed to our success. I have been very blessed by God. The treatment, in addition to the love and encouragement of my lovely wife.”

God Really Blessed Me,' Magic Johnson said, crediting his wife Cookie for her unwavering support during the disease of the century process

Looking back, Magic attributes his success to a large group of people who assisted him along the way, including the owner of the Los Angeles Lakers, Jerry Buss, and the commissioner of the NBA, David Stern.

“To know that you have all the people, as well as my parents, as well as my brothers and sisters,” Magic remarked. “I can’t even begin to tell you how much it meant to me to know that they were supporting me as well. That aided me in getting the things done that I needed to get done in order to be here for a long time.

As a means toward this objective, the legend has devoted the years since his diagnosis to raising awareness about the illness through his Magic Johnson Foundation. As a result of their efforts, the couple has contributed more than $15 million to underserved communities of color and other communities of color of color, as reported by Variety.

God Really Blessed Me,' Magic Johnson said, crediting his wife Cookie for her unwavering support during the disease of the century process

He аdded, “Since the оnly thing in life I reаlly wаnted wаs tо be with Cооkie fоrever аnd hоpefully see thаt we wоuld hаve sоme grаndchildren, I’ve tried tо keep а pоsitive mindset аnd аttitude.” “I’ve hаd а pоsitive mindset аnd аttitude becаuse the оnly thing in life I reаlly wаnted wаs tо be with Cооkie fоrever.”

Magic said, “So, when you think about me, all I can feel is happiness. This has been going on for the past 32 years. My wife has been nothing short of incredible. She has taught a great number of ladies about the proper way to show support for their husbands or boyfriends.

God Really Blessed Me,' Magic Johnson said, crediting his wife Cookie for her unwavering support during the disease of the century process

And the couple, who only lately joyfully documented their epic maritime summer voyage together, have shown that they can prevail over any high seas by virtue of the fact that they have gone through difficult times.

Magic stated that the event unquestionably increased their love for one another and their marriage stronger. “We were living our lives for a different reason. That goal was to bring in a significant amount of funding for charitable groups working to combat

diseаse оf the century. We also went out into the community and taught our people because, at the time, the black and brown community was filled with so many myths, and there was so much misinformation floating about.

He continued by saying, “So Cookie and I just got out there and educated our Black and Brown community, and we also raised money to care for people.”

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