Police stopped traffic to help the mother bear and her cubs cross the road safely

It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, but for one mama bear in Connecticut it takes patience and the help of local police.

Winchester Connecticut Police Department blocked a two-lane road to allow a mama bear to safely cross the road with her four rambunctious cubs. The bear needed all the help she could get as the cubs were not cooperating.

Benjamin Washington recorded the entire incident and shared it with Winchester CT Police Department who posted it on Facebook.

The video started with mama bear carrying one of the cubs in her mouth across the road, but she kept looking back to see if the others were following. They weren’t.

So, she turned back and tried to coax the cubs out of the brush.

Just as the cubs started to follow her, two decided to turn back.

Mama once again returned to the side of the road and tried to herd the cubs together. Two minutes into the video, she picked up one of the cubs and proceeded across the road.

This time one of the cubs followed, but the other two were distracted by a telephone pole, which they tried to climb.

Eventually, one of the cubs high stepped across the road and joined mama, leaving just one defiant cub.

However, when mama returned for the last cub another followed her back across the road.

Her patience was put to the test, but she prevailed.

Four minutes after the first attempt to cross the road, mama managed to get all the cubs safely across.

The video has gone viral and has been called a true depiction of parenthood.

“That poor bear! Just like trying to herd cats! LOL. I can just hear her now! These kids are going to drive me crazy! LOL,” wrote one person.

Another said, “And so goes the life of a Mom. When someone asks what you did all day – this!”

A sympathetic mother replied, “I feel her pain on so many levels!!”

The police department reminded people to be on the lookout for wildlife and said, “Please use caution while driving and avoid interacting with these animals!


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