Tigers are social animals and just like humans, they also need affection, love, and companionship. In fact, they could be even more loving and faithful than many people in this world, boredpanda.
Hubert and Kalisa were one of the most famous and most loved lion pairs on Earth. The lovey-dovey couple had spent six years together at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle until they were moved to L.A. Zoo in March 2014. Hubert was born in 1999 at the Lincoln Park Zoo and Kalisa was born in 1998 at the Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden, which meant they were both elderly lions as they arrived at L.A. Zoo, but their veterinary team had always tried their best to give these four-legged buddies a peaceful happy life.
The two African lions won the hearts of both staff and guests by their gorgeous beauty and incredible bond almost immediately after settling in. They were an affectionate duo who loved to cuddle and nuzzle all the time, they were literally inseparable.
Another six years have passed and unfortunately, it’ time to say goodbye. The average life expectancy for African lions like Hubert and Kalisa in the wild is 14 years, so it’s safe to say that the zoo had taken good care of the couple and done a great job lengthening their lives. However, when their time came, they had no other choice but to put these majestic creatures to sleep because of untreatable health issues related to their ages.
But the good news was, they could leave this world together, and they would be together in the lion heaven.
“Hubert and Kalisa are an iconic part of the L.A. Zoo experience, and our staff and guests have been touched by their loyal companionship,” CEO & Director Denise Verret shared through an announcement on L.A. Zoo’s Facebook account.
“It was often said, you don’t see Kalisa without Hubert being close by,” he continued. “So, while it is truly heart-wrenching that we had to say goodbye to this iconic pair, we can take comfort in knowing they left together. These lions will remain a positive part of our history, and they will be greatly missed.”