The boy spent his weekend comforting animals at the shelter after the tragedy

Faced with horrifying stories of carelessness and mistreatment of the most defenseless creatures, the actions of people of good will who willingly do out of love to care for those most vulnerable.

Among those brilliant and great-hearted creatures is Evan, a 10-year-old boy who is teaching the world a lesson in his behaviour.

At a young age, this boy does more than any adult, as his love of animals made him the only visitor at the Animal Care Center in New York City. , USA.

But Evan doesn’t come empty-handed, this boy has found a unique way to entertain all the dogs to the point of reducing their stress, with some even falling asleep.

With the book in hand, Evan becomes a true dog trainer and tries to completely forget the loneliness and sadness that has built up.

One day Eva’s mother found an emaciated puppy tied to a fence in a dangerous place, this shocked the boy who couldn’t understand how someone could do that to a defenseless creature.

Evan and his mother took the little animal to the shelter and in that approach the boy was shocked by the number of lonely creatures waiting for a home, so he decided to do something special for each one of them.

Evan saw the tense situation that some puppies lived in when they were in the shelter’s cages, so at the guidance of someone in the organization he began to work as a storyteller.

“The most rewarding experience is when I try to specifically help a dog at risk and I can almost immediately see the impact and how they react when I read to them. They start to calm down, and some even fall asleep,” Evan said.

This little guy has been working as a volunteer since August and for now he doesn’t expect to retire. Although for some his work is absurd, since dogs do not understand reading, the truth is that the boy’s harmonious voice manages to reassure them.

Perhaps the matter does not have much to do with the entertaining of the story read by Evan, but with the fact that he dedicates time and attention to each puppy.

The little one has already established strong ties with some little animals and loves knowing that his reading manages to reassure them.

“They get in the front of the kennel and end up curled up in their beds snoring . That makes me happy because I can tell that they are scared and stressed,” said the little boy.

Not only does Evan plan to continue supporting this animal care center, but he has already set a big goal for his future. This little boy wants to open his own shelter to continue helping more lonely animals through reading and taking care of him. There is no doubt that Evan not only has a big heart, but he will be a little man worthy of respect.

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