The skinny dog was found by rescuers after two years of wandering in the mountains

When Edna was found, she was living all alone in the mountains, starving and struggling to survive on her own. She was eventually spotted by some people living in a gated community, who called animal control with the hope that it could help the poor dog. Unfortunately, animal control was unable to catch her, even after several attempts — but no one was ready to give up on her.

The people who had spotted Edna decided to contact Hope for Paws in hopes that its rescuers would have better luck saving her. When they arrived at the gated community, they found Edna huddled up in someone’s doorway, hungry and scared. They had brought along some food and quickly offered it to Edna, who eagerly accepted it despite her fear.

Starving Dog Found 2 Years After Her Owner Thought She Di.ed

Rescuers talked gently to Edna as she ate, but after a little petting she got scared again and started to back away …

Starving Dog Found 2 Years After Her Owner Thought She Di.ed

… until more food was offered, and then she slowly made her way back over to the rescuers.

Starving Dog Found 2 Years After Her Owner Thought She Di.ed

Edna’s rescuers realized it was going to be tricky to put a leash on her because she was so incredibly nervous and scared, so while one continued to feed her, another snuck up behind her slowly …

Starving Dog Found 2 Years After Her Owner Thought She Di.ed

… and was finally able to slip a leash around her neck.

Starving Dog Found 2 Years After Her Owner Thought She Di.ed

Edna panicked for a second, but was quickly offered more food, and so she began to calm down again. Poor Edna was so starving that her hunger outweighed her fear, and she let herself be rescued just so she could continue to eat.

Rescuers led Edna over to the car, and with every minute that passed, she became more comfortable, realizing that these people were there to help her and bring her to safety. They drove Edna over to a local vet to get checked out …

Starving Dog Found 2 Years After Her Owner Thought She Di.ed

… where they discovered she had a microchip — and an owner.

As it turned out, Edna’s previous owner had given her away because she could no longer care for her, and not long after that, the new owners for some reason told her that Edna had died. She was devastated but moved on with her life — until she got the call that, miraculously, Edna was still alive.

Starving Dog Found 2 Years After Her Owner Thought She Di.ed

Unfortunately, Edna’s former owner was still not in a place where she could take her back, and the new owners didn’t want her back. So Edna was sent to a foster home to await adoption …

Starving Dog Found 2 Years After Her Owner Thought She Di.ed

… and before long, her forever family found her, and now Edna is living the absolute best life.

Starving Dog Found 2 Years After Her Owner Thought She Di.ed

Edna is a completely different dog now. She’s playful, friendly and healthy — so different from the scared, skinny dog she was when she was first found. Now she has a family to cuddle with, lots of room to run and play, and of course, all of the food she could ever want.

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