A tender moment between a mother otter and her newborn baby

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful and powerful bonds in this world. Kids are the happiest when they have mothers who love and care for them unconditionally. Mothers also teach their children the first lessons of our life, helping them get the right conception of the world outside. Mothers are precious gifts that God gives every baby (humans and animals) when bringing them to this world.

And recently, heart-warming photos of a mother otter and her newborn baby have won the Internet. Although these pictures were first released a few years ago, they still go viral again.

They are so beautiful and touch the deepest and softest parts of human beings.

The devoted mother otter let her newborn ride on her belly while swimming in the bay. She did this to keep her baby warm and dry during the journey.

Those moments were spotted in Monterey Bay, California by Suzi Eszterhas, a 40-year-old nature photographer. The scene got her astonished but she immediately captured it on her camera.

In order not to disturb the mother and the pup, Ms. Eszterhas used a long telephoto lens to photograph.

Mothers are extremely important to baby animals. They can’t survive in the wild without their mother’s care and protection. Hunger, thirst, and threats from predators – these are so harsh for them.
That’s why these photos win million’s hearts. The otter mama placed her fragile baby on the belly to lift it out of the water.

It’s worth mentioning that most sea otter mothers are quite shy with their babies. But this mother is different. She didn’t hide her happiness taking care of her pup in a busy harbor.
You love your babies. That it is.

When the otter mother was hunting for small animals below the surface, she let her newborn float alone in the water. Otters have a layer of natal fur that helps them to float unaided.

But the mother still kept her eyes on her babies. She swam right up to the dock and checked on her kid frequently.

‘She did this so many times; it made me feel like a babysitter. It was adorable and it also really showed how vulnerable and trusting wild animals can be.’ Ms. Eszterhas said.

If you are looking for something that can melt your heart, just give these photos a look.

Originally seen on mymodernmet


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