Alien Armada Alert: Massive 150-Mile Wide Spaceships Headed Towards Our Planet

According to a concerning video report, three massive spaceships, each measuring 150 miles in width, are approaching Earth. zz - Malise

UFO encounter has become very frequent in the 21 century, even more so as it became almost impossible to disregard mere incidents from actual UFO sightings.

Special departments of air defense or other things such as secret labs have been successfully organized as well, and we presented materials for these claims.

We cannot exclude the possibility of secret services having already studied fragments of extra-terrestrial ships or even aliens themselves, whether dead or alive. It is precisely scientists who study these things and have the obligation to share their information with us.

According to SETI, the Extra-terrestrial Intelligent Search Agency, three giant ships are dangerously heading toward our planet. The biggest of them is 150 miles wide. These objects have been detected by the HAARP space search system, which was designed to study the phenomenon of the Aurora Borealis.

According to a concerning video report, three massive spaceships, each measuring 150 miles in width, are approaching Earth. zz - Malise

Further declaration suggests that these objects are indeed extraterrestrial spacecraft, and could be seen from Earth as soon as they reach the orbit of Mars. The arrival of the ships will imply a historical first contact with alien races.


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