Alligators appear rampant in Florida

The beginning of the rainy season in the state of Florida, USA signals the breeding season of crocodiles, residents can easily see them anywhere.

The police were foгсed to intervene after a large alligator Ьɩoсked traffic and appeared on the road.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) announced on April 12: “Warm spring weather means you can expect to see more alligators in Florida,” The Hill reported.

The police were foгсed to intervene after a large alligator Ьɩoсked traffic and appeared on the road.

People in Florida, home to about 1.3 million alligators, can encounter adult alligators everywhere.

In the city of Tampa, people called the sheriff’s office to request the removal of a 3m long alligator lying underneath a car in the parking lot of an apartment complex.

Another resident discovered two alligators in his backyard at Lakewood Farm. He even filmed the incident and posted it on YouTube.

The police were foгсed to intervene after a large alligator Ьɩoсked traffic and appeared on the road.

Females will lay eggs from June and July every year. The eggs will hatch in late Summer or early Fall.

Although alligators are considered more aggressive, attacks on people in Florida are rare.

“However, don’t be subjective. Remember not to feed the crocodiles and keep a safe distance if you encounter them.

Swim only in designated places and during the day. Leash other pets and keep them away from the water,” FWC advised people.

Adult female crocodiles are 1.8m to 2.1m long and reach the age of 10 to 15 years, while adult male crocodiles are usually between 8 and 12 years old.

The police were foгсed to intervene after a large alligator Ьɩoсked traffic and appeared on the road.


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