During the Korean War, UFOs with illumination assaulted the US soldiers

A group of US soldiers said they had encounters with UFOs during the Korean War and became ill due to being attacked by UFOs.

According to the American website We Are The Mighty, in 1951, when the US military was involved in the Korean War, a group of American soldiers including Mr. Francis P. Wall prepared a plan to shell a village. Neighborhood is about 96 km north of Seoul.

Mr. Francis and other soldiers were working on the plan in Cheorwon when they saw what looked like a Jack-o’-lantern flying over the mountain. Just as they were observing, they saw an alien spaceship flying towards the village.

The US military was attacked by UFOs with light during the Korean War - srody.com

The US military was attacked by UFOs with lights during the Korean War. (Artwork/Shutterstock)

Mr. Francis recounted that after the artillery fire started, although the UFO was located in the center of where the shell exploded, there seemed to be no trace of damage, then he discovered the object. This navigation speed is very fast, seems to be equipped with excellent navigation ability.

Suddenly this flying object flew towards Mr. Francis and his unit. It emits a dazzling orange-green light. Mr. Francis asked the commander to allow him to attack with an M1 rifle, but when the bullet hit the flying object, only a metallic sound was heard, and the bullet fell to the ground. This flying object began to move back and forth, it flew very quickly from side to side and did not stop flashing its lights.

The US military was attacked by UFOs with light during the Korean War - srody.com

What happened next was even more unbelievable. Mr. Francis recounted in a 1987 interview that he and his colleagues were struck by some kind of light from a spacecraft. This light is emitted in the form of pulses and waves, then it can be seen that it is aimed at you. It is like a searchlight sweeping around, you can see it shining straight towards you.

Mr. Francis said he felt a burning pain all over his body. Everyone in his unit immediately hid in the basement to observe the spaceship through the window. Then suddenly it flew up to the sky at an angle of 45 degrees and then disappeared.

Three days later, Mr. Francis and his entire company evacuated the area. With treatment, everyone had symptoms of dysentery and an excessively high white blood cell count. Former NASA scientist and UFO researcher Richard F. Haines believes this case resembles the symptoms of radiation poisoning.

After the Korean War ended, dozens of American soldiers reported similar UFO sightings. Initially, many historians assumed that these UFO sightings were experiments conducted by the Soviet Union based on German and foreign studies, but this hypothesis was disproved after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


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