Pamukkale, also known as the “Land of White Travertines,” is a stunning natural wonder located in the Denizli province of Turkey. Its name literally translates to “cotton castle,” which is a fitting description for the fluffy, white travertine terraces that cover the landscape.
The formation of these terraces dates back thousands of years, to a time when hot springs bubbled up from beneath the earth’s surface. As the water flowed over the landscape, it left behind deposits of calcium carbonate that gradually built up into the magnificent terraces we see today.
Pamukkale’s travertine terraces are not only a sight to behold, but they also have some unique health benefits. The thermal waters that flow through the terraces are rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate, which are said to have healing properties for various ailments. Visitors can take a dip in the warm, mineral-rich pools and even walk along the travertine terraces barefoot, feeling the mineral-rich waters on their skin.