Quantum physics enables communication between extraterrestrials

While there’s still no evidence of alien life, that doesn’t mean there aren’t aliens . Now, a team of researchers have come together to come up with a mathematical model, showing that aliens may possess the ability to communicate across space – through quantum physics.

Aliens can talk through space using quantum physics - Blog News

Aliens may possess the ability to communicate through space.

On Earth, efforts are also being made to make quantum communications a reality. The idea here is that quantum mechanics provides certain properties that make information transfer faster and safer than conventional systems…

One of the major obstacles to overcome before quantum networks can be established is that they are very fragile and susceptible to interference. In the latest research, such networks can fly through space without breaking. Theoretical physicist Arjun Berera from the University of Edinburgh in the UK says that the quantum state is very fragile and if there is any external collision, it will be destroyed.

The researchers ran many calculations on the motion of X-rays in the void of space to check for potential decay (the breaking of the quantum state). They determined that if pH๏τons – particles of light – were used as quantum particles, they could be beamed across hundreds of thousands of light-years, a distance greater than the entire Milky Way galaxy.

That’s partly because the average density of matter in space is much less than on Earth, and this “cleaner” environment means less potential for interference. Even gravity is not enough to knock out the quantum communication network. According to the researchers, it would make sense that pH๏τon-mediated quantum communication could be established across interstellar distances, especially for pH๏τons in the X-ray region below the mᴀss. electronic.

Of course, alien life could use quantum networks to talk to each other or communicate with Earthlings is still just speculation. However, it offered another potential sign of life that they could monitor. The team says the “significant ability to transmit information” with a single quantum signal makes it attractive for any extraterrestrial intelligence. Although it may require a fully functioning quantum computer to decode.

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