Unidentified Flying Object Seen Over a Mexican Volcano, Presumed Alien Base

There hasn’t been a recent report of a UFO sighting at Popocatepetl, also known as El Popo, an active volcano near Mexico City. However, there is a longstanding belief that this massive volcano might house a secret alien base, as numerous videos have been recorded showing unidentified crafts supposedly entering and leaving the mountain over the years.

Mysterious UFO Spotted Hovering Above Mexican Volcano, Suspected Alien Base Location - srody.com

As we all know, the most popular locations on Earth for aliens to build their bases are (1) underwater, and (2) inside mountains, especially if they are active volcanoes.

The reason for that is because they are two well-hidden locations that are extremely difficult for humans to track and investigate.

Mysterious UFO Spotted Hovering Above Mexican Volcano, Suspected Alien Base Location - srody.com

This latest UFO sighting near Popocatepetl was witnessed by a Mexican couple, Karla Garcia and Luis Guerra, who take photos of the active volcano as a hobby.

Recently, after the volcano started rumbling, Guerra started filming and taking photos of the mountain.

He was especially interested in on this day as a full moon could be seen on the left side of the volcano, creating a unique photograph.

“He sends me the photo on WhatsApp and when I wake up, I see it and share it on my WhatsApp status (feed),” García told DailyMail.com.

At first she didn’t notice anything terribly odd about the photo, but then her phone started blowing up with messages from friends who noticed the UFO.

Mysterious UFO Spotted Hovering Above Mexican Volcano, Suspected Alien Base Location - srody.com

“Since my boyfriend is not a fan of social networks, I asked him if I could upload his photo to Twitter and he said yes,” García said.

She tagged a local reporter, who proceeded to share the image on their local network before it went viral.

García also posted the photo on her Facebook page, writing, ‘Today’s photo at 7:52 am. Popocatépetl, the moon and possibly a UFO.’

Coincidentally, the couple live just 1,600 feet from a UFO monument that was erected in 2000 by the then-mayor of Atlixco.

“Honestly, I was feeling a bit skeptical years ago,” García said. “But with the programs that I see about investigations that go through, for example, on the History Channel. It started to make me doubt.”

In 2020, after another UFO sighting at Popocatepetl, UFO expert Scott Waring wrote, “The ancient volcano is home to an alien base 5-6km below the surface that is the size of an entire city. UFOs are frequently seen on live came exiting and entering the volcano. This is just further proof that the alien base does exist and that the aliens living there have very large spacecraft.”

Another, different looking UFO was also recently captured on video above Popocatepetl.

These UFO sightings come on the heels of former Department of Defense official Luis Elizondo saying he had seen genuine evidence of alien vessel.

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