If you’re a cat owner, you’re likely well aware of these benefits. There’s nothing quite like a comforting snuggle or a cozy lap cat to brighten your day when you’re feeling down. And the cats featured in this compilation of photos assembled by Bored Panda are clearly cognizant of their magical powers.
Whether we refer to them as feline caretakers or whiskered guardians, one thing is evident: they’re there for us, both big and small, when we need them most.
Upon closer examination of some of Disney’s animal characters, such as Bambi, Simba, and the lovable 101 Dalmatians, one prominent feature stands out: their eyes, which are larger than life itself. It’s no surprise that the Snapchat filter that exaggerated facial features with prominent eyes became such a sensation on social media not long ago.
This Reddit group, aptly named “Disney Eyes,” is devoted to showcasing pets that resemble real-life Disney characters with their incredibly adorable features. Below, we’ve compiled some of the most heartwarming images shared by the community, so take a look and upvote your favorites!
#1 Professional Babysitter

#2 I Have The Cutest Babysitter

#3 14-Year-Old Photos Of My Four-Legged Babysitter Watching Me

#4 This Is Not What I Bought This Crib For

#5 Our Cat Is So Fascinated With Her New Baby Sister

#6 This Friendship

#7 I Rescued Nuka And She’s Helped Nanny My Babies For 9 Years

#8 Before Going To School

#9 Watching The Scenery Together

#10 Daisy Is The Best Big Sister. Daisy Purrs On Her Head Until She Falls Asleep

#11 Keeping Tabs On The Little One

#12 Rin-Chan, Who Has Been Watching Over My Son’s Growth Since He Was Born, Thank You

#13 5-Year-Old Boy, 16-Year-Old Bro

#14 Cat And Baby

#15 Have You Ever Seen Anything Sweeter?

#16 Where Do You Find Babysitters Like This One? I’m Interested

#17 Why Does My Cat, Whom I’ve Had For 10 Years, Lick My Baby? He Doesn’t Lick My Older 2 Kids (4 And 6), But I Can’t Get Him To Stop Licking My Baby

#18 Where Do You Find Babysitters Like This One? I’m Interested

#19 7 Years Ago. I Will Always Treasure This Memory And Picture. Zane Is Now 12 And Lola Is No Longer With Us. She Was The Sweetest Kitty And Zane Was Always Her Boy. I Miss Her

#20 Nanny Sleeps When The Baby Sleeps