Baby turtles reincarnated back into the Galapagos Islands after a century

If recent events have lulled your spirits, this news ought to cheer you up. For the first time in 100 years, baby tortoises are multiplying on the Galapagos island of Pinzón.

If recent events have lulled your spirits, this news ought to cheer you up. For the first time in 100 years, baby tortoises are multiplying on the Galapagos island of Pinzón.

This is huge news for a species that has been struggling to survive for a century, relying on humans raising young tortoises bred in captivity until they are large enough to not fall prey to rats and predators.

A Century Later: Galapagos Islands Witness the Arrival of Baby Tortoises!
Finding naturally born young is evidence that conservation efforts are helping rebuild the islands ecosystem, which has been damaged, possibly irrevocably, since the 17th century.

A Century Later: Galapagos Islands Witness the Arrival of Baby Tortoises!
Rats have been the biggest threat to the tortoise population since their accidental introduction to the island via ships infested with them. The rats root out nests and eat the eggs and newborns of numerous island species, hurting more than just the tortoise population.
A Century Later: Galapagos Islands Witness the Arrival of Baby Tortoises!
Thankfully, the island of Pinzón, home to the newborn tortoises, was declared rat-free in 2012, and the results are already showing.

A Century Later: Galapagos Islands Witness the Arrival of Baby Tortoises!
It’s encouraging to see conservation efforts pay off so quickly. The tortoise population has gone from around 150 in 1959 to almost 500 today. Celebration is certainly in order, but there is still more hard work ahead. And it’s never too late to help the cause..,..

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