They’d always planned on getting a Siamese kitten and were hoping this was their day.

“All the Siamese kittens were either on hold or adopted, but thankfully, the lady helping us out thought Merlin would be the perfect fit,” Elliot said to Love Meow.
Merlin was only a little kitten when he came to the shelter, he was mostly blind and in need of a loving home.

So they went to see him, and despite not being able to see, Merlin knew straight away he had visitors.
He immediately greeted Elliot with a couple of sniffs, and then curled right up in his arms and began to purr.
“When Merlin cuddled up against me, it was obvious right away that he was the perfect one,” Elliot told Love Meow. “He was ready to just be with people and adopted.”
They were sold on him, so they filled out the paperwork and took him home.

Merlin quickly settled in on his first day home and claimed it at his own home: “The first thing he did was sniff around and get used to the area.”
Since he can’t see, the clever kitty uses his other senses to help him navigate the house, and he now has it mapped out like a pro.

Elliot told Love Meow.

Merlin is really a people cat, he loves his humans and slots right into their arms when wanting cuddles
“I cannot stress how much this cat wants to be cuddled. His favorite thing to do is probably be acknowledged. That or eating.”

Elliot said

It doesnt seem like being blind is slowing him down at all. He can see the world differently through his other senses.
He plays, runs around, pounces and jumps just like any other cat.

Follow Merlin the cat on Instagram.