A wounded stray cat runs into the woods in pain after being attacked by a dog.
Stranded, unable to walk out, and shaking in pain passersby hear his cries for help and thankfully take pity on the poor cat who is hovering close to death.

They plucked him to safety and take him to a vet where he is immediately placed on an IV to keep him alive.

Covered in blood he is immediately cleaned up and his many wounds treated.
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– Having lost the ability to walk, badly injured, he shook with fear whenever they picked him up!
– After letting her dog out for some R and R only to re-enter the house with an injured kitten held in his jaws!
Thanks to social media many animal lovers find out about his fight for life and donate towards his care.

Thanks to them and the loving care of the medical staff the former stray begins to turn the corner, his transformation amazing to see.

Faint oriental feline chocolate markings are only enhanced by his lovely white fur and different colored eyes, one blue and one green.

Well on the road to recovery now his front leg was still swollen and painful, but what a handsome boy.

However, as his diet improved so did his health and he made a full recovery. Thank you to all the people who supported his medical bills and gave him a fresh start at life.