A kitten turned into a happy, affectionate shoulder cat after a family helped him regain his sight.
Covered in fleas and beyond frail, he was already in the process of losing one eye due to an ulcer, this kitten was very much in need of rescue. So he was brought into Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC) or immediate rescue.
Due to his critical condition, he was immediately taken to a vet for medical attention. This was when One Tail At A Time, an animal rescue in Chicago, heard about him.

“His eye didn’t seem responsive but we prescribed him medication to see if we could save the eye,” Kimberly Thomas of One Tail at a Time told the Kitten Cat Post.
A volunteer for One Tail at a Time, Brandy and her family, took in the tiny kitten, finding him to be in good spirits despite his poor condition.

“Right when we took him out of the box, he was purring and so happy to be in a warm home. He was playful and spirited from his first evening with us. He had no clue he was in as rough of shape as he was,” Brandy said.
Related Reading:
–Rejected by Mom at only three weeks old, blind and helpless, he has no one to turn to and nowhere to go.
–Blind, Frightened, and very much alone, desperate for warmth and food, they are unable to fend for themselves.
Not sure if they could save his eye, they at the very least wanted to give him a chance, so they gave it they’re all. The kitten, now named Shrimp Linguine, didn’t mind the attention at all.

“He was super affectionate, loved cuddles, had the sweetest purr, ate like a champ with some assistance, and used the litter box like a gentleman,” Brandy wrote.
“He got his first bath and we think he really appreciated it. Two full days in, he was already looking and feeling so much better!”

As his eye began to heal he found he needed to find new ways to attract attention.
Shrimp would seek out any available lap, or climb into people’s arms or onto their shoulders, purring as loud as kittenishly possible.

The more Shrimp’s eye healed the more his personality began to shine through. He was constantly seeking out his humans demanding cuddles.
Moving out of his small enclosure, soon his house was the large space where he could practically do whatever he wanted.

“Shrimp has brought us so many laughs. He is just the right amounts of feisty and tender and flipped back and forth between the two with no warning, which definitely kept us on our toes,” Brandy shared.
“We feel so grateful to have been able to help Shrimp when he needed it.”

“We are just as grateful that there is another foster ready to help meet his current needs and let him live more freely, embracing him for the tiny creator of chaos that is his best kitten self.”
Shrimp will soon be ready for his forever home.

It only took two and a half weeks for Shrimps’s eye to heal.
“He is tiny but mighty and he’s proven that where there is a will, there is a way. We have no doubts that he is going to live his very best life.”

Follow updates on Shrimp and One Tail at a Time on Facebook and Instagram.
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