After they were born, Mom left the barn one day and never came back!
A litter of five kittens was brought into the Humane Society, Hamilton County, Indiana after they were found starving in a barn without their mom.
They were born to a barn cat, who went out one day and never came back. “They were unsocialized so they arrived scared and hissy, and would cuddle together and collectively hiss at me when I got close to them,” Kelsey Minier, a foster volunteer of the shelter, shared with the Kitten Cat Post.

Around four weeks old, five very scared kittens arrived at Kelsey’s home with black and white markings you might find on a cow. They all huddled in a corner trying to comfort one another and stay safe.
That being the case Kelsey set up a quiet space for them to unwind with as much food as they could want.

Kelsey knew that all the siblings needed was time to learn to trust. Slowly but surely that’s exactly what happened as Gal Galloway, Holly Hostein, Blue, Angus, and blue slowly came out of their shells.
Related Reading:
–Blind with unusual markings, she knew these barn kittens were not what they seemed!
–Choosing his barn to have her kittens would change their lives!
“I made sure to hold each one separately and give them cuddles, so they knew they were safe in my hands or arms,” said Kelsey.

Taking a leap of faith, one of the kittens decided to approach Kelsey and following his lead, all his brothers and sisters quickly followed suit. One by one they approached to have their chins tickled and petted.
“Every time I go into the room, I announce myself in the same voice and say ‘Good morning,’ even if it is the afternoon, and then I feed them so we have gotten into a pattern of positivity and things they like.

“They no longer hiss at me, and they come running when they know I am in the room.”
One week after their arrival a clowder of terrified kittens transformed into cuddle bunnies.

“They fight over who gets to sit in my lap. They climb up to my shoulders, and they are all purring and turning into sweet cuddle bugs,” Kelsey said.
As they found their paws they began to find confidence in play. “They love to cuddle together when napping, but they have started to branch out a little.”

Soon after they found their paws some of the siblings found their voices too, letting Kelsey know exactly when it was time to be fed.
The litter of five was soon thriving, jumping, running, and playing.

Five very unique personalities began to emerge.
All ready to give kisses and cuddles to everyone they meet.

You can watch this very cute family right here in the video below:
Keep up with all the news on these kittens and Kelsey’s fosters here on Instagram.
After Losing His Job, He Finds Himself Living On The Streets When He Meets A Kitten!
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