He found a hungry street cat and did the best thing anyone could do when finding an animal in need. One thing he didn’t expect was the reaction he got from this grateful feline.
The sad fact is there are stray animals in need in cities and towns across the globe. Hungry street cats and dogs living in desperate need, just doing their best to survive in squalid conditions.

The equally sad fact is more and more are abandoned by owners who either don’t want the responsibility of taking care of a pet or are not capable of taking care of a pet.

If it was not for people like the man in the video you are about to see the situation would be a lot worse.
Related Reading:
- Heavily pregnant and living on the streets, she was asking for help.
- He walked and walked until he just couldn’t walk anymore.
If there were more people like him perhaps we wouldn’t have so many cats in need?
There are good people who deserve a lot of praise for their gestures like this kind human who fed this street cat.

However, he was not expecting the reaction he got from this local stray cat. The cat was certainly hungry.

So hungry this grateful street cat could not stop meowing its thanks. I only hope he took it to a shelter or gave this sweet cat a home?
For more details please go to thebestcatspage.com.
He finds her freezing in the snow, so he takes her to the warmest place he knows!
Please SHARE this amazing story with all of your cat-loving friends and family.