A cat received a badge of honor and was appointed to a security position

Persistence can get you far. As can a bewhiskered little face and a charming personality.

And since Elwood has all of these things and more, it’s no wonder that this little kitty managed to snag himself a great job simply by turning up at a local hospital and doing his thing.

The beautiful cat has been hanging around a hospital in Richmond, Australia for over a year, and during that time he has gone from occasional visitor to permanent staff member.

A cat makes daily rounds at the hospital, is appointed a security position, and is bestowed with a badge of honor. – The News Volcano

Nobody is quite sure where Elwood came from or why he’s been so drawn to the hospital, but what everyone does know is that he is a sweet yet serious little guy and that he’s very dedicated to keeping the hospital and everyone in it safe and secure.

A cat makes daily rounds at the hospital, is appointed a security position, and is bestowed with a badge of honor. – The News Volcano

Elwood is always casing the hospital, keeping an eye on things and making sure that nothing suspicious is going on.

Sometimes he takes a quick break to enjoy some quick pats and cuddles, but his main focus is making sure nothing suspicious is going on around the hospital.

A cat makes daily rounds at the hospital, is appointed a security position, and is bestowed with a badge of honor. – The News Volcano

His hard work and his impressive dedication to hospital security have led to him being officially “hired” by the hospital’s security team: Elwood’s been given his very own staff badge which is identical to those of his coworkers.

A cat makes daily rounds at the hospital, is appointed a security position, and is bestowed with a badge of honor. – The News Volcano

We’re sure Elwood is very pleased that his hard work and tireless patrolling has been recognized, and that he’s now officially part of the security team.

And with this cool kitty on the job, we’re sure both staff and patients are feeling extra safe and protected.

People have been very supportive of the hospital’s decision to hire the little kitty

A cat makes daily rounds at the hospital, is appointed a security position, and is bestowed with a badge of honor. – The News Volcano
A cat makes daily rounds at the hospital, is appointed a security position, and is bestowed with a badge of honor. – The News Volcano
A cat makes daily rounds at the hospital, is appointed a security position, and is bestowed with a badge of honor. – The News Volcano
A cat makes daily rounds at the hospital, is appointed a security position, and is bestowed with a badge of honor. – The News Volcano

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