Cat was chosen as the best player in the Champions League match
Bayern Munich fans chose the best cat in the second leg of the 1/8 round, instead of Thiago, Wagner or Muller. A cat suddenly appeared on the Vodafone field, when…
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Cat with 28 toes breaks world record
The cat named Paws has an especially large number of toes due to polydactyly. Paws, the cat with 28 toes, broke the old Guinness World Record set in 2002 for…
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A small town in Scotland suddenly became crowded with tourists thanks to stray cats
Many tourists book rooms in the small Scottish town to see the famous cat with more than 7,000 fans. Parsley is a yellow cat belonging to the Maine Coon family…
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‘Cat Lord’ of castle in western Japan boosts tourism after flood disaster
A Japanese cat was granted “lordship” over an ancient castle which happens to be the highest structure with a tower in the country. The three-year-old feline, named Sanjuro, assumed his…
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The remains of a dinosaur like creature still exist in India
The body of a dinosaur-like creature is so well preserved that it still has flesh and bones in India, confusing researchers. An electrician was shocked when he discovered a partially…
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The creature suspected of being a bloodsucking demon caused a stir in America
A photo of a strange creature appeared in South Carolina, USA, sparking speculation about the legendary Chupacabra monster that specializes in sucking goat blood. Doug Stewart discovered the unusually skinny…
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International scientists caught a ‘monster fish’ with a large mouth while exploring the Australian abyss
International scientists caught a fierce-looking fish with a wide mouth full of teeth while exploring the Australian abyss. The research team on the ship Investigator of the National Oceanic Agency…
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Discovery of a snowman like creature in the Dutch forest causes controversy
Two boys discovered and recorded a strange creature, a Bigfoot, peeking out from behind a tree from afar while exploring a national park in the Netherlands. The video filmed by…
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The body of a mysterious creature covered with white fur on the Philippine coast
Locals flocked to Cagdainao beach in the Dinagat archipelago, Philippines to see the body of the white furry monster washed ashore. The strange sea creature with a massive shape and…
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Thousands of Unusual Blue Creatures Appear on California Beaches
Bizarre blue blobs have washed up en masse on beaches across South California—but they aren’t jellyfish or Portuguese Man O’ War as one might expect. Photographs of the strange gathering…
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