Arrested a woman who used cats to illegally transport ๐’น๐“‡๐“Š๐‘”๐“ˆ in Russia

If you think youโ€™ve seen it all when it comes to drug smuggling, guess again because youโ€™re likely not even close to the craziness that goes on. Weโ€™ve heard about people packing drugs in prosthetic limbs, stuffing them up their bums, and even hiding them in baby seats, but this one was carried out with a slightly different twist for a very old game.

A Woman in Russia Was for Using a Cat Dressed Like a Baby as a Mu.le

Itโ€™s been reported that a Russian woman strolling hand in hand with a little girl while pushing a pram was stopped by police near a holiday resort on the outskirts of Nizhny Tagil. No reason has been given as to why they suspected her of anything, but they noticed that while there was movement in the stroller, something was off.

A Woman in Russia Was for Using a Cat Dressed Like a Baby as a Mu.le

For starters, there was no head or face visible in the winter onesie lying there. Even if it were a baby, the mother or caretaker should have been alarmed. Of course, they werenโ€™t, because they knew it was a cat, but her lack of concern or indifference surely set off red flags.

A Woman in Russia Was for Using a Cat Dressed Like a Baby as a Mu.le

After a trip to a local precinct and a closer look, they had to have been surprised and admittedly amused at the ruse all in the name of making a buck. Instead of an infant, they found an extremely subdued feline that appeared completely unfazed by the experience.

A Woman in Russia Was for Using a Cat Dressed Like a Baby as a Mu.le

The YouTube video taken by Russian authorities shows the fleece-lined onesie carefully being peeled apart to expose the cutest gray cat wearing a baby cap, booties, at least two more lighter-weight cotton onesies, and even a diaper. It also showed multiple packages (170 grams) of what was reported to be meth.

A Woman in Russia Was for Using a Cat Dressed Like a Baby as a Mu.le

At that point, the jig is obviously up, and shortly after the scene switched from an adorable and befuddled cat disinterestedly sitting in someoneโ€™s lap to a woman sitting in an interrogation room and eventually a cell. You donโ€™t have to be fluent in Russian to understand things are not going to go well for her.

A Woman in Russia Was for Using a Cat Dressed Like a Baby as a Mu.le

Weโ€™ll give her high marks for craftiness and thinking outside the box, but using a cat as a drug mule and stuffing it in what amounts to a zipped-up sleeping bag for who knows how long negates any points she may have earned otherwise.

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