Feral cat becomes best friend with girl in wheelchair

God sent that cat to the little girl knowing he would bring her so much joy and love !!!

Cat Man Chris, dedicates his life to helping stray and feral cats but when he helped this a.ban.doned kitty, And he unknowingly would be helping a little girl in a wheelchair.

It all started when he was feeding a colony of feral cats. A pretty white cat with blue eyes showed up hun.gry. The cat didn’t seem to be the typical feral cat so Chris assumed it had been a.ban.doned by some people living in the apartments nearby.

Feral Cat forms a strong bond with a girl in a wheelchair. - Lillise

The cat began to show up more often so Chris tried to befriend it. At this point Chris realized what a cool little cat it was and decided to try to tr.ap it and find it a home.

He tried to lure the kitty inside. The cat wasn’t totally willing at first but after some pets and a lot of patience, after a few days, he had no trouble helping the kitty into the carrier.

Feral Cat forms a strong bond with a girl in a wheelchair. - Lillise

Chris took the cat to the Suncoast Animal League to see if it had a microchip and get an exam by a vet. And soon the animal league found the purrrfect new home! A young girl named Kiley Richy was in a wheelchair and looking for the perfect cat for quite some time. The kitty was not sc.ar.ed of Kiley’s electric wheelchair and loved nothing more than loving on the girl.

Nothing makes this kitty happier than to be close to Kiley and the feeling is mutual. He loves to sit on her lap, help her on the computer, lick her toes, and even hide in her shirt.

Feral Cat forms a strong bond with a girl in a wheelchair. - Lillise

That kind of reaction from that little girl is priceless. This sweet kitty is good therapy for her and will be loved by her forever. The two of them are so happy together and it warms our hearts that this special cat found such a special home.
This cat truly is one the coolest cats ever.

Beautiful story and the cat and the girl found best friends… Bless these two, looks like they will be inseparable…. Amazing…love this!

Angels sometimes come in fur, four paws and a tail.

The bond between the girl and the stray cat continued to flourish, bringing immense happiness and comfort to both of their lives. Their extraordinary friendship serves as a testament to the transformative power of love, acceptance, and the unbreakable connections that can form between humans and animals.

Their story reminds us all to look beyond physical appearances and differences, and to cherish the profound relationships that can emerge when we open our hearts to one another.

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