Tabby the cat’s healing journey after the horror of an acid attack

A cat is fighting for her life after she was attacked with battery acid.

Georgie, a ten-year-old tabby cat, somehow staggered home on Tuesday night with ‘no fur’ and severe burns to her face and body.

Lyn Prewer, her devastated owner, said her pet she ‘looked dead’.

A vet have since confirmed Georgie was doused with battery acid and is now in a serious condition. If she survives, she is expected to lose her ears and sight.

Tabby cat fighting for life after being subjected to acid attack

Georgie was subjected to an acid attack police say was deliberate

The defenceless animal is also currently unable to eat due to burns all over her mouth.

Lyn, 39 and from Exeter, Devon, said: ‘She had no fur left on her head, her back and legs, and she had froth coming out of her mouth. How she made it home I will never know.

Tabby cat fighting for life after being subjected to acid attack

‘She has suffered horrific burns and the vet has said that it is likely that she will lose the tips of her ears and possibly her sight.

‘She also has burns all over her mouth and tongue and ulcerations down her throat.’

A Devon and Cornwall Police spokesperson said: ‘Her cat went missing for 24 hours, only to return on Tuesday April 24 with serious injuries.The owner took the cat to the vet who confirmed that the injuries are consistent with those caused by battery acid.

Tabby cat fighting for life after being subjected to acid attack

‘The injuries the cat has suffered are shocking and is a heart-breaking situation for the owner.

‘Currently, the police believe that this was a deliberate act, but at this time remains an isolated incident.’

Tabby cat fighting for life after being subjected to acid attack

Lyn, who has a ten-year-old son, called her ordeal the ‘worst experience’ of her life.

Tabby cat fighting for life after being subjected to acid attack

She added: ‘I can not comprehend why some human can do this.

Tabby cat fighting for life after being subjected to acid attack

‘My son is absolutely devastated, he just can’t understand why someone would do something like this.

‘It is very touch and go at the moment because they don’t know if the acid has caused any internal damage.’

Tabby cat fighting for life after being subjected to acid attack

Vets will now assess the internal damage the battery acid has caused Georgie.

Tabby cat fighting for life after being subjected to acid attack

Georgie recovering six months after the attack
Miraculously the cat has survived and has had multiple operations including skin grafts to repair her injuries (pictured: Georgie before the attack)

Lyn and her family still don’t know who attacked their cat or why anyone would want to.

She continued: ‘It’s still a question I can’t answer really. At the time we were asking why on earth, who on earth would do this? I still can’t answer that question and it’s just beyond me.


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