Hunting, annoying the dog, out of all the careers this cat could have chosen, he devoted himself to a life of thievery. However, at this point, it looks like his owner is making amends for the feline’s crimes.
Earlier this month, BJ Ross from Altoona, Pennsylvania, created a Facebook group to address one of her pet cat Jordan’s dirty habits: stealing their neighbors’ shoes. According to WTAJ, the six-pound, black-and-white kitty is constantly going out during the night and returning home with loot in its jaws.
Ross hopes social media will help to return the footwear to its respective owners, but has also made Jordan famous and now the whole world knows about his shenanigans.
Jordan the cat is stealing all footwear that he can get his paws on
His owners find a couple of shoes every morning
And now they have over 50
Jordan looks really proud of his stash
“If y’all know my cat Jordan, y’all know he loves to bring me home shoes!” the cat’s owner wrote in the group.
After learning about the cat’s secret life, Jordan’s owner BJ Ross put a GPS tracker on him
According to Jordan’s GPS tracker, this committed burglar maintains a large territory that encompasses multiple visits to houses all over the neighborhood. This could be because Jordan likes to present his owner with complete pairs, but — being a cat – can only carry one shoe at a time. A lesser cat burglar might find this limiting, but not Jordan. Plus, he prepares for his nightly misadventures with lots of proactive napping.
He can walk up to 7-8 miles a night, plotting a new heist
Ross even installed a security cam in the back to collect more evidence
Ross even created a Facebook group where people can discuss about Jordan and his crimes